Tag Archives: engineering principles in biology

Did Andy Grove Leave a Fallacy for Life Sciences and Healthcare?

Yes, you guessed it right.. we are talking about the Andy Grove who left an indelible legacy through his role at the Intel corporation (together with the other two founders Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore) including as CEO for a decade, fueling the growth of Silicon Valley and the world at large. Now we got that cleared, we need to introduce some background on what is called the ‘Andy Grove Fallacy’ in a commentary in 2007.

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Just in time (JIT) vaccines and cures for Ebola and other sporadically emerging (and devastating) global infectious diseases

Do you know one of the advantages of being an engineer turned biotechnologist turned entrepreneur/capitalist? You can write a blog like the one below.

A few months ago, I was in an event that discussed approaches and challenges in tackling Ebola, organized by the MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge.

Image for JIT infectious Disease blog

Continue reading Just in time (JIT) vaccines and cures for Ebola and other sporadically emerging (and devastating) global infectious diseases